Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In honor of Columbus...

So, as I was making my applesauce yesterday, I realized I was running out of cinnamon. Spoke to my friend who had a giganto cinnamon container from Sam's and she graciously offered to give me some. She gave me a bunch and I transferred it to my shaker jar thingie. But, as I was transferring, I spilled about a half tablespoon (or less) on the counter. I thought to myself, "Self, in the early days of Columbus and the spice trade, that spilled cinnamon would have cost more than what a family made in a year. People have killed and or died for that spice and now we just flaunt our abundance by carelessly spilling it on the counter. How many Native Americans, India Indians and other Asian peeps have died just to make my applesauce taste a bit spicy. Shame on you for forgetting history. Be more respectful of those who have come before you!"

Yeah, it's gonna be that kind of day. My inner voice needs to calm the f*#@ down. It's just amazing how something that was considered a luxury many, many years ago is now an afterthought, an "oh, let's see how this changes the flavor." Amazing what technology does. So thanks Columbus, thanks West Indies Trading Company, thanks Imperial Brittain, your efforts (and by that I mean genocide, and greed) have made me able to spice up my stuff. Huzzah!