Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Howard Stern, I respect you...

Wow. Never thought I'd say that one out loud. But this past week or so, I've been understanding how hard it must be for Stern to go about his daily life. I mean, he's out there as far as his commentary. Not exactly PC. I'm sure he pisses off a ton of people. But he keeps on trucking, doing what is true for him to do, and doesn't worry about what the critics think. And people LOVE him. He's got millions of viewers/listeners, billions of dollars, and respect from most of the world.

I have another blog for the magazine I write for. It's a dinky blog for a local paper magazine. It's not Time or Star or anything like that, but it's my home and I love it. I recently posted a blog about how old people are missing a filter because they can just say whatever they want to people and according to them, they deserve the respect not to be spoken back to. Well, that raises my ire because I don't think that's ok to talk about someone or their kids. And I put it politely in my blog. But apparently, a few older citizens felt the need to comment on my post by impugning my character, my parenting and my husband. Needless to say, emotional wreck that I am, I got upset and ruminated for days.

But I guess I just have to be more like Stern and realize that I'm going to piss someone off no matter what. People just feel the need to have their voices heard, good or bad. I know I'm a good parent, I know I work my butt of for these kids, and some anonymous reader isn't going to change that. Grow a tougher skin, I must. Hey, if Stern can do it, so can I right?