Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mental Health Day

Today I'm taking a mental health day. My kids are out of control with their behavior, it's hot, I'm over 9 mos pregnant and I need this day. Frankly, I'm about ready to toss them in the river, figuratively speaking of course, I'd never actually HARM them.

I always wondered how those women could drown their children or leave them in a car in a river. It seem so heartless and terrible. But, truth be told, I can see how it might get to that point.

Now, you blog Nazis, I'm not going to kill my kids or harm them in anyway. If you are worried, then call to check on us. They are ensconced in their rooms (hopefully napping) as I type this. Sure, it is well ahead of their scheduled naptimes, they got up late and they didn't realy get to do TOO much today, but this is what I need to do. I want to avoid emotionally hurting them or saying or doing something I regret. So mental health day for me. All you working people can walk away from a situation when it makes you crazy. Take a break for coffee, walk around the office etc. Not us SAHM's. If we walk away from our job, we get arrested. We dont' get coffee breaks or lunch breaks, that is unless the kids are napping, but then we have other shit we have to do, like make dinner, clean up the kitchen, do laundry, vacuum or God forbid, work at home for money. So if every once in a while, we have to lock our kids in their rooms to ensure their safety and happiness, I'm all for it. Kids have cycles where they get out of control with behavior and stuff, and sometimes we need to work around that. When you are 24/7 with two little ones, it gets crazy. Having adult time is something a person like me is used to, so when there is none of that around, I grow antsy and having screaming, misbehaving kids to top it off makes the day a hell of a lot worse.

So, I'm watching Dirty Dancing, eating pretzels, and probably M&M's, drinking a soda, sitting in AC and possibly working on one of my articles, but not the other one...That can wait till I"m in a better frame of mind. Right now, I'm on a mental health break.