Monday, July 13, 2009

Why do I feel like an ungreatful bitch?

It is hard for me to be able to accept help. I guess it is because whnever I asked for help as a child, or needed something answered, I was made to feel like a friggin idiot. SO, I never ask for help unless it is like absolutely the only way to get a job done. But lately, I've been having "help" thrust upon me. The family is up visiting for the baptism of the newborn one, and rather than just sit and spend time with the children, here is a list of things that have been done in the span of five hours:

- Barn, cleaned out, swept, reorganized (without me present, by the way. now that just raises my hackles 'cause I won't be able to find anything, there is a huge pile of shit i have to go through and now everything is back in the barn, pretty much where it was originally. fuckers)
-Screened in porch area cleaned, reorganized and sorted (again without me present, fuckers fuckers)
-Dismantling of a clothes line (I'm ok with that one.)
-Creation of a "work bench" (not ok with this one, now I am forced to spend money on plywood for the creation of said bench because the wood from the clothesline is not enough. fuckers, fuckers, fuckers.)

Now, these tasks took place today eventhough for four days my pool has been draining in preparation to be removed. I was hoping that an empty pool would not be standing in my yard, but hey, beggars can't be choosers right?

Now again, I'm extremely greatful for the help organizing and setting up and whatnot. But then you inconvenience me by sending me out on fool's errands for storage containers we don't need, can't afford and will NOT use. That pisses me off. So, I'm in a bind 'cause I don't want to be a bitch but I don't want to deal with this or the fighting that comes from it. Now I'm between two people, more, but really there are two players, most of you know of whom I speak. And it is sooo bloody annoying. Grrrrrr. SO I guess the moral is DON'T FUCKING ASK FOR HELP!

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