Friday, March 20, 2009

I wish I wasn't a retard when it came to numbers...

I've been reading every article I can find that deal with the economy. I've also been reading the Press Republican more lately, trying to get as much into the state of our finances as I can. But, I still feel like a retard. I can't understand all the terms and money and all the numbers they use. It confuses me. I think because I didn't like Obama to begin with, I'm completely against his budget and this stimulus package thing. Now with all that is coming out about AIG and the bull shit they are spewing about bonuses, I worry what the hell else I'm going to have to pay for over the next four years. I mean it is me that's paying for all this shit isn't it? Well, ok, not me, but Derik is paying for it with his tax money. The government is taking whatever percentage it is out of Derik's paycheck for federal taxes. Where do you think the money to bail out places like AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac came from? I paid for those companies and the mistakes they made with their finances. Why do the CEO's and all these people who work for these companies deserve all this money? I shouldn't have to worry about whether I should buy a new car. But I do, because I know that taxes are going to go up because some douche over at AIG got a million dollar bonus for basically running the company into the ground. Now I'm not knocking bonuses. Most every year, Derik gets a nice check in March for profit sharing, and believe me, it is a nice check. More than once it has paid for our vacation that year. But it is contingent on the company performing and profiting. If GEICO don't do what it is supposed to do financially, Derik don't get squat and I don't get my Disney Vacay. Thankfully, Warren Buffet is a pretty smart dude, and usually he pays out. I must say, even the year after Sept. 11 when EVERYONE lost money, Buffet still gave his employees something. It was pretty nice to know he cares and shit. And Berkshire Hathaway is having a bad year this year. But you don't see Buffet asking the Gov't to bail him out.

Why do these executives get bonuses when their company is failing? If you have to borrow money to stay afloat, you ain't prospering. You ain't performing where you should be, ergo you ain't getting a bonus. But that's not how it works in CEO land. I just don't understand how this financial crap works. I mean, where is the money coming from to have a trillion dollar deficit? What the hell are we spending it on? I know we don't live too far above our means. Yeah, we aren't perfect, but we're not crazy either. So, why aren't these companies doing what I'm doing. Cutting back, making better choices, changing lifestyle? Oh right, they don't have to 'cause the Obama administration will bail them out. No worries.

It all seems like too much too fast. Fix what's wrong then work on improvements. People don't want to think about how good their healthcare will be in ten years. They want to have coverage now, and they want to be able to pay for it. Man, we are doomed.

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