Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I feel like Sisyphus...

What a task that is set out before me. I can't walk in my living room because every square inch of the floor is covered by either :

a) a toy that has been thrown or played with
b) a book that has either been thrown or ripped (that one hurts the most, sports fans)
c) some sort of food, be it cheerios, goldfish or some other unrecognizable edible object
d) my child

The point of this being, why bother to clean it up. As soon as I put the books away, he goes right over to them and spills them again. IF I clean up stuffed animals, two minutes later they are being thrown behind the wood burning stove. Pointless I tell you, pointless. Now mind you, I have only ONE child currently, though another is attempting to make it's way into the world. But one child has so much crap that it fills an entire living room floor, and I have a pretty decent sized living room.

The issue here, is that if I feel this way about the living room, I end up feeling this way about the rest of the house too. And then all hell breaks loose. Perhaps it is just because I am travelling into my last few weeks of pregnancy. I feel no desire to do anything, especially something as Sisyphian as cleaning up the living room. But the kitchen could use a good cleaning. I could do some more laundry and I most definitely should clean up the spilled potting soil in the hallway before Derik gets home and bitches about it being there. But who has the energy or desire. I just want to sit and read romance novels....DOes this mean I"m depressed? Probably, since I don't get out of the house and I live in the Artice mother-f'ing north. Too hard and slipper outside. Blech. And when I do take the kid somewhere to get some fun and energy out, he ends up catching the mother-f'ing flu. Damnit. Oh and by the way, he just tipped over the recycling bing trying to throw something in the garbage. I can't fault him for trying, but I can heartily dislike him for making one more thing that I have to clean up.

I think sometimes that if I'd put him in daycare and worked full time my life would be easier. But then I'd miss him counting Cookie Monster's hands as he lays on the floor next to me while I type this blog. I miss him saying "bless you" when I sneeze and "scuse me" when he burps. That's right, bitches, he's not even two and he has manners...that's the kind of mom I am!

I guess I'm just a little down. I probably should go out and do something just to get out of the damn house. Maybe I'll go mall walk tomorrow...then take buck futter to lunch or something. Sounds good right? Then at least I'm not stuck in my hole of a house and I will be getting out more than to go to a dr's appointment. Plus, if we go out, he can't mess up the living room!

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