Friday, March 20, 2009

I wish I wasn't a retard when it came to numbers...

I've been reading every article I can find that deal with the economy. I've also been reading the Press Republican more lately, trying to get as much into the state of our finances as I can. But, I still feel like a retard. I can't understand all the terms and money and all the numbers they use. It confuses me. I think because I didn't like Obama to begin with, I'm completely against his budget and this stimulus package thing. Now with all that is coming out about AIG and the bull shit they are spewing about bonuses, I worry what the hell else I'm going to have to pay for over the next four years. I mean it is me that's paying for all this shit isn't it? Well, ok, not me, but Derik is paying for it with his tax money. The government is taking whatever percentage it is out of Derik's paycheck for federal taxes. Where do you think the money to bail out places like AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac came from? I paid for those companies and the mistakes they made with their finances. Why do the CEO's and all these people who work for these companies deserve all this money? I shouldn't have to worry about whether I should buy a new car. But I do, because I know that taxes are going to go up because some douche over at AIG got a million dollar bonus for basically running the company into the ground. Now I'm not knocking bonuses. Most every year, Derik gets a nice check in March for profit sharing, and believe me, it is a nice check. More than once it has paid for our vacation that year. But it is contingent on the company performing and profiting. If GEICO don't do what it is supposed to do financially, Derik don't get squat and I don't get my Disney Vacay. Thankfully, Warren Buffet is a pretty smart dude, and usually he pays out. I must say, even the year after Sept. 11 when EVERYONE lost money, Buffet still gave his employees something. It was pretty nice to know he cares and shit. And Berkshire Hathaway is having a bad year this year. But you don't see Buffet asking the Gov't to bail him out.

Why do these executives get bonuses when their company is failing? If you have to borrow money to stay afloat, you ain't prospering. You ain't performing where you should be, ergo you ain't getting a bonus. But that's not how it works in CEO land. I just don't understand how this financial crap works. I mean, where is the money coming from to have a trillion dollar deficit? What the hell are we spending it on? I know we don't live too far above our means. Yeah, we aren't perfect, but we're not crazy either. So, why aren't these companies doing what I'm doing. Cutting back, making better choices, changing lifestyle? Oh right, they don't have to 'cause the Obama administration will bail them out. No worries.

It all seems like too much too fast. Fix what's wrong then work on improvements. People don't want to think about how good their healthcare will be in ten years. They want to have coverage now, and they want to be able to pay for it. Man, we are doomed.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring cleaning?

Soooo....For some reason, I've been in two moods lately:

1) Bitch of the East

Now for those of you who know me, this may not seem like something out of the ordinary. But in fact, I am even more bitchy than usual. I guess it must be the pregnancy hormones. Everything is setting me off lately. I nearly bit off the head of a three year old the other day. Though she prolly deserved it the damn whore! I have no patience for annoying people who tell me what to do. Again, same as usual, but now I'm really like pissing mad. Derik even commented that I've been really mean in the morning. Well f*&^ you Derik! I don't want to get up at 7:30 am but hey, I've got a job right....A maggot that refuses to sleep in his room and when he does in fact stay in his room for sleeping, he won't use the bed. The boy seems to enjoy sleeping in the doorway, or under the bed, or in the closet or in the rocking chair. Those are the combinations we've found so far. There maybe more but I dont' know. So the maggot likes to get up and immediately watch Elmo, but friends, Elmo doesn't come on til 10 am so until they we watch every other damn PBS Cartoon. Which is good cause they are actually kind of educational and fun. EJ can count from 5 to 10 correctly. He's like a genius and shit, and he must be part like Arab or something cause he understands the concept of zero. I must say though, this getting up early crap is quite good though. I seem to be getting more done in a day than i had in the past. Which leads me to my second mood.

2) Feeling the need to clean and straighten and reduce, reuse, recycle. AKA Spring Cleaning.

Now once again, those of you that truly know me, you know that I am a friggin pack-slob...which is a combo between a pack-rat and a slob. Hehe. I made that one up! But anyway. Today and yesterday, I actually cleaned out my bathroom shelves. I wanted to get rid of unused things. Whaaaaa???? So Now the shelves look clean, since I cleaned them, and organized, since I organized them. My next task tomorrow is to sort through our rolling cabinet thing. Perhaps I will even go buy a new rolling cabinet thing, since ours is mad broke. But I digress. Anyhoo. I have this need to get into spring cleaning and clean out things I am not using. I did it the last time my mom visited and threw out or got rid of a lot of stuff and made space in my cabinets for the junk that was overflowing.

I wonder though, whether I am getting the spring cleaning bug or if it is the nesting bug. I have the unborn one coming withing a few short weeks. So am I getting ready for it or what? When EJ was born, we were living with my parents and EJ lived out of a tupperware box for the first few months. We had limited space and really didn't have room to unload clothes and crap. Now we have a house with room. somewhat. Am I trying to get that house ready for my new baby cause I feel bad that EJ lived out of a box? Maybe. But the benefits are there. I'm getting a somewhat clean house and space for a baby. Plus I totally need to get rid of a lot of crap that we have and on't use. It is amazing how much junk you can amass over the span of eight years. I have trouble throwing stuff out, so that is even harder for me. Plus I keep acquiring it at the speed of light. Wooosh! There's another amazon shipment. PS - I think I am solely responsible for keeping in the black for 2008.

So what to do what to do. Slowly but surely, clean and reduce clean and reduce. I'm going to donate as much as I can to churches and what not. My mom will take some of it for her ever present garage sale that she is having. My dad would never let her have one, and now, since he's dead, she figured this would be the way to honor him. Just kidding on that one, it was a stupid thing of my dad not to allow for a garage sale. Anything that is gross or left after those two options will be thrown out. Boy am I going to be making trips to the convenience station or what!

I feel the need to be cleaner and get into a better schedule. I think because the sun is shining more, and we can actually see grass. Also, I see the light at the end of the tunnel of my pregnancy. Only like seven more weeks to go, and after that I get my body back. Maybe I'll stop being bitchy by then. Hahahahahahah!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I feel like Sisyphus...

What a task that is set out before me. I can't walk in my living room because every square inch of the floor is covered by either :

a) a toy that has been thrown or played with
b) a book that has either been thrown or ripped (that one hurts the most, sports fans)
c) some sort of food, be it cheerios, goldfish or some other unrecognizable edible object
d) my child

The point of this being, why bother to clean it up. As soon as I put the books away, he goes right over to them and spills them again. IF I clean up stuffed animals, two minutes later they are being thrown behind the wood burning stove. Pointless I tell you, pointless. Now mind you, I have only ONE child currently, though another is attempting to make it's way into the world. But one child has so much crap that it fills an entire living room floor, and I have a pretty decent sized living room.

The issue here, is that if I feel this way about the living room, I end up feeling this way about the rest of the house too. And then all hell breaks loose. Perhaps it is just because I am travelling into my last few weeks of pregnancy. I feel no desire to do anything, especially something as Sisyphian as cleaning up the living room. But the kitchen could use a good cleaning. I could do some more laundry and I most definitely should clean up the spilled potting soil in the hallway before Derik gets home and bitches about it being there. But who has the energy or desire. I just want to sit and read romance novels....DOes this mean I"m depressed? Probably, since I don't get out of the house and I live in the Artice mother-f'ing north. Too hard and slipper outside. Blech. And when I do take the kid somewhere to get some fun and energy out, he ends up catching the mother-f'ing flu. Damnit. Oh and by the way, he just tipped over the recycling bing trying to throw something in the garbage. I can't fault him for trying, but I can heartily dislike him for making one more thing that I have to clean up.

I think sometimes that if I'd put him in daycare and worked full time my life would be easier. But then I'd miss him counting Cookie Monster's hands as he lays on the floor next to me while I type this blog. I miss him saying "bless you" when I sneeze and "scuse me" when he burps. That's right, bitches, he's not even two and he has manners...that's the kind of mom I am!

I guess I'm just a little down. I probably should go out and do something just to get out of the damn house. Maybe I'll go mall walk tomorrow...then take buck futter to lunch or something. Sounds good right? Then at least I'm not stuck in my hole of a house and I will be getting out more than to go to a dr's appointment. Plus, if we go out, he can't mess up the living room!

The "New" Administration

Seems like the teachers union is going to be Piossed! Barack Obama, in his infinite wisdom (sarcasm intended) has chosen to take them on in a sense. I read the article on, so I'm not real sure of it's authenticity or relevance, but Obama wants to institue merit pay for teachers who perform better than other teachers, or at least that's what I get from the article.

What pisses me off most, is that the people who make these rules and come up with ideas to "improve" education have, most likely, never ever spent a day in a friggin classroom! WTF??? They don't seem to understand that it isn't the teacher who doesn't do their job. As a teacher, I can only do so much to motivate a child to do better. If that child doesn't have support at home where they are doing their homework and studying, what else can I do. Especially when I have to think about 25-30 kids per class at a time. I'm a secondary education teacher, and I will tell you that people in my position usually have a total of like 120 kids per year. So I'm supposed to make sure that each of these kids is performing above and beyond their potential just so that I can get the extra five grand that I should be getting anyway? Again, WTF????

Throwing money at a problem isn't going to solve it. The sneaky teachers will just find a way to skew results and make it look like their kids are doing better. The teachers that try their hardest but can't be sucessful for whatever reason are going to suffer. Money is not the answer! God! IT is soooo frustrating to see this happening in my lifetime. WE put all this money into programs like NASA ( 1 Billion granted to them from the stimulus package; that's right B-illion) who are already OVERBUDGET! I'd like to see Mars as much as the next person, but when our kids are failing school, our middle class is being laid off and more and more people are having to rely on food banks and charities it is time to reevaluate our quest for science and technology.

It seems like this administration's priorities are not in the right place. WE as a country need to focus on getting ourselves right again before we can move forward. Maybe that is too Republican in thinking, but what is a discovery on Mars going to do for us when we can't feed our people? What good will a new museum be if no one can afford to visit it because they dont' have the money for the gas to go to it? Let's right the economy, let's get people feeling more comfortable about their jobs and their money, then worry where to put the next museum to string.