Monday, July 5, 2010

Sons of B*&^%$#

I'm a pretty patient person, I mean Christ sakes, I have two and a half children. And by the time this is read, it might end up being three. But by Christ, I can't stand it when people try to martyr themselves.

I have a specific person in mind, and those of you who read this have a damn good idea of whom I speak. Today, that person, rather than come upstairs out of the 90 degree weather, decided to remain prone on our fabric couch and sweat and practically expire. We were upstairs in AC just chilling so we were ok. When we came downstairs to get the day going (after the kids' naps) There this person was. Weak and barely able to ask me for "a cool cloth." God, I almost punched her in her smug, fucking face! It's like 1) I control the weather and it's my fault for not makingg it cool enough, 2) It's m fault for not having air conditioning downstairs like a normal human being, 3) I'm now forced to wait on her to get her "back to normal" MOTHER FUCKER!

She could have easily gotten off the couch when she got back from her shopping spree to come upstairs and sit in one of the two air conditioned rooms in the house. She could have easily sat outside where the breeze is nice and the porch is comfortable. But no, Madame Martyr decided to expire on the couch. I then suggested to her that she go upstairs and sit in the AC for a while to cool off. She replied, wearily "I just can't". HOLY MOTHER FUCKING TITTIE CHRIST!

This is an incided that caps off a lot of things with this person, as my loyal Reader(s) know. THIS HAPPENS ALL THE TIME! If it isn't one thing, it's another. How she eats, which is like shit and that causes her to have sugar ups and down, making her weak. Does she change eating habits, no. JUST LOOKING FOR MOTHER FUCKING SYMPATHY.

It almost makes me want to just cut her out of my life forever so I don't have to deal with this shit.

MOTHER FUCKER! Sorry, it was necessary to use the language, but god dang it.

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