Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flibbity jibbet

Apparently I missed the boat when it came to choosing a career. Working for a newspaper seemed fun, fast paced and exciting. Having all the pressure of deadlines and needing to work within the frame of writing something every day. Pishaw! I scoff at you. This magazine writing stuff is awesome. Once a month deadlines, relaxed writing styles, exciting topics. I did an interview for an article last week, and I'm not feeling stressed to sit down and actually write the article. I've got another two weeks or a week and a half before it is due. Goooood stuff. Very exciting. Though I do have to get my butt cracking on another article I am writing. If not, I have to produce something for Jenn so she's not down a story. Wouldn't want to string a bitch out or nothing.

Now Plattsburgh offers an actual magazine writing degree, or something like that, you can specialize in magazine writing like we specialized in print journalism, though our degrees are actually in English. How lucky this new crop of kids are. Writing is sooooo much more enjoyable for me now. I felt stressed under a deadline of a weekly paper, could you imagine if it were a daily that I ended up at? Oh my.

Must say, I lurves what I do. I even saw a copy of "my" magazine in the body shop where Derik works once a week. It was awesome, and I told the owner, hey, that's me! Holla!

Gooooooood Stuff. Working on an emotional high today cause we got out and did some outdoor activities, saw some good friends, made some plans and ate good food, healthy good. Ate a tangerine, a chicken breast sandwich and some BBQ chips, ok, not totally good, but you get the point!

Loves ya today!

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