Thursday, November 5, 2009

I hate two faced bitches...

So I have this friend who, just about 5 months ago, had a severe "problem" with another acquaintance. Servere enough to the point that this "friend" threated to drop out of a group we all belong to if the acquaintance wasn't removed from her standing. We all jumped on the band wagon because the "friend" had been offened by what the other said, felt uncomfortable in her standing and was generally wronged. For months this "friend" had insulted, trash talked and commented on the acquaintances parenting. We all listened and agreed, because, again, this was our "friend" and we felt the need for solidarity.

Now, not five months later, the "friend" is all happy go lucky with the other person. They chat with each other on facebook, make happy comments and even spend time together. They are like best buddies. Meanwhile, this "friend" refuses to call me back when I call, won't return email, and generally is being a total whore! She is very two faced and i can't even believe I thought we would turn out to be real good friends. I mean, what's her problem? She started "working" again in our area, and now she's all up in everyone's face about doing this and doing that in her "area" of expertise. Except me. SHe doesn't even involve me. Now I'm thinking, "what the fuck did I do now to piss her off?" Cause she just stopped talking to me for some reason. Though she does include me in group emails and or invites.

what pisses me off even more, is we have a group that we enjoy our birthdays together and hers is next. So not only is it my turn to drive to this "birthday thing" but now I've gotta spend close to like 150 bucks for the birthday! and i'm all like "well if this bitch isn't talking to me, why the hell should I go???" maybe i can come up with an excuse but I don't think so. and it upsets me cause i'm friends with all the other people in the group. grrrrr.

maybe this "friend" will move like she's been saying she might. her husband works in and industry that isn't too permanent in this area, so maybe, oh maybe, her bitch ass will move and i wont' have to deal with her anymore.

PS - I changed information in case she reads this. but if she does, she will know who she is. and if she does, what the fuck bitch???


  1. Dude, don't spend $150 to see someone you don't even like. No one can MAKE you go to this thing. Make something up if you need to.

    Some people are too high maintenance. If a friendship seems like a lot of work, it probably ain't worth it.

  2. right on sister...i miss you! i'm just going to move back to long island or you are going to have to move to VT with Devon the zombie lover.

  3. I would love to move to Vermont. Or Afganistan. Or someplace that isn't driving distance to my immediate family. You know who I mean.

    Miss you, too. When are you back in town?
