Monday, November 2, 2009

People Suck

Yeah, that's a common heading for a blog, but today I feels it hard, y'all.

My neice was born a little over a month ago. I'm trying to set up a time when I can take myself, my husband and my two children on a six hour trip so that we may meet little Emma. I asked my brother's girlfriend (yes, they are unmarried) if she could bring the baby over when we came down. I didn't want to take the long ass trip and not be assured that I would actually SEE this elusive child who seems to appear a lot on facebook with her other grandmother and other aunts. GF hadn't gotten back to me and the time was approaching for the trip, so I enlisted the mother of all mothers, mine.

Mother tells me this morning that GF told her last night "baby has dr appointment on the 16th and i"ll ask the dr if it is ok for baby to 'see' other people." Am I all of a sudden OTHER people? I mean do I not share like some percentage of DNA with this child, as well as my children? Am I not the child's BLOOD relative? I am her Aunt for chrissakes! Not to mention that there have been "other people" all over this child from birth. Many pictures, again on facebook, have surfaced with people who are obviously not realted to my brother's Irish gf (read: ETHNIC) holding little Emma. And by the way, she was much younger in these pictures. Emma also does not visit my mother. GF's mother is always babysitting Emma while brother and GF go out to shop and other stupid shit. Must be nice, I wouldn't know, I'm actually a GOOD parent, unlike GF who is a worry wart but will up and leave said child to go shopping for clothes that the kid doesn't in fact need.

So I'm done. I'm done trying to be the good Aunt. I'm done trying to be something to someone who obviously doesn't want me involved. GF got what she wanted from my brother - a baby to ease her ticking biological clock, since she is 31 like I am. Now she doesn't need us anymore. So mazel tov and enjoy your baby. Good luck when she starts teething and when no one else can take care of her. Enjoy her. It just makes me sad that my brother decided to pollute our DNA family ancestry shit with her DNA. Not like we are royalty or anything like that, but our family is at least loyal to each other, unlike GF.

PS - I haven't even gotten a picture or a birth announcement for my ONLY neice. Birth announcements aren't necessary, I didn't send them, but at least send ME a picture, I am one of the kid's Aunts.

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