Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm being pushed out...

So I've noticed that more and more people are being added onto the group of 4 that started out as my posse. Every once in a while, a new person would be added to emails. Now I think we are up to like 7. They seem to all congregate together at the YMCA or at Zumba classes. Me, I'm stuck at home, sick kids, pregnancy hormones and whatnot. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive cause of the hormones, but I think I'm being like "selected" out of the group. Which is soooo not cool. Making friends is hard enough, so when you think you've made a group of bitches you think you can be friends with and they end up not "liking" you anymore, it is so not cool. I wish we could move home and I could just take up with my old friends. But maybe I'm just a dinosaur who refuses to evolve and change with the times. All my friends seem to have made new friends, so should I right? I guess I just haven't found the right group of biotches. Whores. And all of this on the heels of me driving a group of them down to Albany for an overnight trip we are taking. I'm such a dickwad.

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